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Unlocking true climate impact potential

20. March 2024

Nothing is more thrilling and motivating than working with clients that share a common purpose. Since the summer of 2022 we have dived into Climentum Capital’s mission to invest in European startups that can reduce megatons of CO2 equivalents in a clear and measurable way.

As an Article 9 fund, Climentum has the highest impact ranking under the EU’s new sustainable finance regulations (SFDR). This means that their managers and portfolio holdings must follow strict rules on how to conduct due diligence and report on sustainability. To meet these requirements, Climentum has teamed up with ClimatePoint Methodology to quantify and forecast climate impact and Scope 4 avoided emissions to align with the Paris Accord.

Working together, ClimatePoint and Climentum have established a joint workflow that successfully meets sustainability objectives during due diligence and throughout the entire investment journey. With this methodology, Climentum can effectively aggregate essential impact metrics across their portfolio to help deliver on their fund mandates to LPs. The ClimatePoint Impact Software helps Climentum and its portfolio companies capitalize on their impact stories and meet sustainable investment objectives.

We highly value our collaboration with ClimatePoint to conduct strong due diligence into the climate value proposition of companies, and to continuously mature the climate impact of the companies that enter our portfolio, says Stefan Maard, one of the GPs at Climentum, continuing: This team effort enables us to deliver the highest value to our stakeholders and maintain a leadership role in this investment space

Our close working relationship with Climentum has 1) allowed us to fine tune our interactive and dynamic life cycle assessment (LCA) service, and 2) offer an exceptional and efficient experience for company members. With our approach, everyone in this ecosystem can effectively report and forecast scopes 1,2,3 + avoided scope 4 with alignment to the international investment community (incl. Project FRAME).

Article 9 forecasting of environmental indicators and principle adverse impacts (PAIs) is now 100% possible with ClimatePoint — even from due diligence! This is revolutionary for the impact investing community, says Nick Catania, Head of ClimatePoint Methodology.

ClimatePoint Methodology
The ClimatePoint team, writing about everything impact.